Flat Belly Diet Vegetarian

Flat belly vegetarian diet is a diet which aims to shrink the stomach distended by regulating your diet to regulate daily food intake of 1600 calories, this diet must adjust for age, gender and daily activities. This type of diet is different between men and women, nearly equal but men get more calories. The recommended foods are fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables, grains, eggs, cereals and protein. Avoid foods that contain a lot of fat, avoid meat, these diets using a vegetarian diet but there are limitations and calculating how many calories that enter the body.

As in the article vegetarian, vegetarian diet will be able to lose weight and shrink belly fat, if organized and planned properly and strictly be very fast to shrink a large or distended abdomen.
This diet is focused in the stomach but not severe diminution only shrink the stomach but also excess weight loss, this diet is very good for weight loss and certainly healthy for our bodies.

To reduce weight quickly should be combined with physical activity and exercise routine to get quick results and maximum, but do not be too hasty to get maximum results in the wrong way, if the means and methods used incorrectly or too much will not either on our own bodies, so the supervision of a doctor or a person who is an expert in this field is very important.

Lots of foods derived from vegetables and fruits to support the vegetarian diet. Examples:
  1. Herbs and spices. Example: turmeric, ginger and black pepper.
  2. Vegetables. For example: tomatoes, carrots, green beans, asparagus and squash.
  3. Various types of fruits such as oranges, grapefruit and lemons.
  4. Yogurt, popcorn, the herbal and other low-fat foods.

And there are also processed vegetarian foods. Examples:

1. Tofu soup bean sprouts

  • 100 gr bean sprouts
  • 1 piece of tofu
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 500 ml water
  • Mushroom broth to taste
  • 2 stalks celery, sliced
  • Fried onions

  • Cook the water to boil, add the tofu, salt, and pepper. Stir well and cook until done.
  • Add bean sprouts and mushroom broth. Stir well and cook briefly until cooked.
  • Lift and sprinkle with fried shallots and celery leaves.

2. Steak Tofu

Tofu is a soy product that is a source of vegetable protein, making it suitable for a meat substitute for vegetarians.

  • 2 pieces out
  • 1 egg
  • 1 ounce flour bread
  • 5 green beans
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • Onion and garlic, nutmeg, pepper, salt, sugar, flavoring
  • Tomato sauce, chili sauce, mayonnaise

  • Destroy Tofu, mix with the onion and garlic paste.
  • Add the nutmeg, pepper, a little salt, stir until smooth.
  • Shape the dough out round and slightly flattened.
  • Beat eggs and sugar, then dip the dough out, remove and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  • Fry until brown.

  • Tomato sauce, chili sauce, mayonnaise, flavorings, sugar, and water.
  • Cook until boiling.

And much more refined meal recipes for vegetarian diet, if you mind being vegetarian, try incorporating elements of a plant-based diet in your diet from now on. For example, substitute some foods that you normally eat in a more healthy vegetable sources. With good planning, variety and focus incorporate fruits and vegetables in the daily menu, will make you able to enjoy the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Thank you for reading my article.

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