Choosing a Healthy Beverage for Body

Water is an ideal choice to relieve thirst, because it will not make the body unhealthy, besides, the water in the market we are easy to find with a variety of brands 

It seems very practical to buy water when traveling, rather than having to bring bottled water from home , But we also have to be careful of mineral water circulating now because many who do not have a license so it is still doubtful.

Other beverages is coffee, coffee drinks are not too recommended for health because it contains a lot of caffeine that makes your heart work faster to make people who drink coffee have trouble sleeping. Limit caffeine levels are safe every day is 250 mg if levels of caffeine into the body exceeds 550 mg daily, it can increase the risk of miscarriage or premature birth in pregnant women or heart attacks in people with heart disease.

The next beverage is tea, tea is very good to help the process of metabolism in our body, especially the herbal or green tea that has been proven healthy for our bodies.
Next is warm chocolate, chocolate is known as foods that can improve mood for the better, as well as hot chocolate drink. So if your mood is crashing, try to drink a cup of hot chocolate, to calm the mind being uncomfortable.

The next is cow milk, cowmilk is one beverage that is healthy because it contains many important vitamins and minerals needed by the body. Milk contains calcium which both maintain healthy bones and teeth. Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

A variety of fruit juice, we all know fruit is very good for our bodies all, there are many kinds of fruits and various vitamins that depend on it, such as orange and lemon that contains vitamin C, and many fruits healthy.

Vegetable juice, not only fruit that can be made into a drink or juice but also vegetable can be made into a drink or juice. Vegetable juice as healthy as juice from fruits, vegetable juices also contain many vitamins and minerals that are good for our bodies all.

Coconut water, coconut water can be used as an alternative for the health drink we consume, because coconut water can be anti-toxin or remove toxins in our body. Besides coconut water is also good for relieving dehydration or excessive thirst.

Next is soy milk, soy milk judged by some health experts better than cow milk. This is because the protein content in soy milk is more easily digested and fat content significantly less than cow milk or animal milk. Soy milk contains a lot of fiber and soy protein lowers levels of bad cholesterol and trigliserin which can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Actually there are a lot of good drink for consumption and tone are also a lot of processed drinks are certainly healthy for the body of all of us, but for this time reasonably to our discussion here, we may continue selection of beverages in other articles.

We must be able to distinguish where the drinks are good for our consumption and which are not good, of course, that is not good is a beverage containing alcohol is too high and the drinks are made with no good way and not according to the rules.

This article previous article regarding the development of healthy foods andbeverages.

Thank you for reading my article.

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