8 Things To Avoid During a Diet Method

Diet is a method in place to lose weight, diet methods is very much, but the method is not all good diet and healthy, there are methods that poor diet and there is also a good method.

Method a good diet does not mean will quickly lose weight, if the method do in the wrong way it will be bad for the body, the diet method also there are things to be avoided, the following are the things not to do while diet:

  • Dinner before bed

Actually, it is not wrong to consume food at night. The real reason is to not eat within 4 hours before bedtime. In other words, you should sleep with an empty stomach. Because it takes about 4 hours to digest food, then give pause time of 4 hours from the time you eat until bedtime. Because during sleep, the body secretes growth hormone 30 minutes after you sleep. This hormone is also produced when you exercise. It is a hormone that plays a role in the growth and serve to break down fat.
  • Too much sleep

Too much sleep is not recommended in the diet because sleep will not help your process when doing diet method.
  • Eating junk food

We all know that junk food contains a lot of fat and preservatives that are not good for our bodies. Fat contained in junk food will make our weight increases.
  • Soft drink

Carbonated drinks are not recommended to drink when doing diet method as sodas contain a lot of calories that can promote weight loss in a short time.
  • Oil and Margarine

Oil and margarine should not be consumed when doing diet method because it can increase the fat in the body.
  • Fried foods

Fried foods should be avoided if you are doing a diet method, because fried foods contain a lot of fat that can increase body weight in a short time.
  • Lack of sleep

While doing the diet method is recommended for adequate sleep, do not sleep too late and should not sleep too long.
  • Overeating

In the course, overeating diet method is not recommended because it will be much to gain weight although the food eaten is eating healthy.

It is the things that should not be done in the process we go through methods of diet, even though we live a diet method but we still do ban when we make diet method, the results that we can not be maximized. If you want to get maximum results in the method we should combine diet with physical activity and exercise routine.

The food is not recommended while we do the methods of diet are foods that contain fat, high-fat foods will hinder us in the process of weight loss.
Here are some foods that are not recommended in the diet method (fried foods, meat, bread, pizza, syrups, fast food, rice, tubers, ketchup, canned food and alcohol)

If you want to see a healthy diet methods exist on a diet article.

Thank you for reading my article.

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